Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Driver for Compaq

I posted a general solution to install Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME graphic chipset driver in windows 7, but for compaq there are easier way to install this graphic driver especially for v2000 model and m2000 model.

I try this method and it worked, there are many model across v2000 , m2000 and other compaq and HP laptop that use  82852/82855 GM/GME

A. First Download the driver: SP28484
Download: Direct Link

B.Installation for Windows XP:
Just download and install the driver

C. Installation for windows 7:

1. download the driver file and extract it

2. you will get a folder that we will need later.

3. Open task manager by click start and type in the search box DEVMGMT.MSC

4. Press ENTER or select the reult on the top

5. A device manager will open and under the graphic adapter you will see standard VGA listed.

6. Right click on standard VGA and select update driver.

7. Select browse my computer for driver software

8. Select Browse and tick in the box " Include subfolders"

9. The browse to driver folder we extracted earlier and press ok

10. continue with on screen instruction and restart, you will be able to get the optimum resolution if it installed automatically.

If you have problems leave your comments.

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