NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150 windows 8 Driver

1. NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150 windows 8 Driver Installation
(Install Drivers using device manager.)

2. NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150 windows 8 Driver MOD INF Drivers
(Install drivers by MOD the driver file, warning: it is at your own risk and you are responsible for your own action)

This post is for tutorial purpose. There are no single best drivers officially released (as far as i know) for NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150.

Do try with the latest nvidia drivers available:
For win 8 32-bit : http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/49892
For Win 8 64-bit: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/56378

NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150 windows 8 Driver Installation
(Q: can i use hp driver other than compaq/hp model?
A: Yes, but you are responsible for you own action if it is illegal)

1. Download original Vista drivers from your manufacture. Here i provide a driver which can be use for this installation (i believe it will work on most hp/compaq model which use the 6150 GPU). For other model i will try my best to update the driver list. I am familiar with HP model so it is easy for me to get the drivers.


For compaq and HP model
(For both 32 and 64-bit)
 After finish download, run the driver and ignore the error.

For other model Download here: (you can only use internet explorer to open this site)

In the search box type NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150"
Select version - windows 7 - size 699.6MB
click ADD and after that Click VIEW BASKET to download.
After finish download you will get this folde : nVidia - Display - NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 (open the folder.
extract the AMD64 and you will get AMD 64 en ar- eu... folder. (rename it to AMD64 if it is too long)

2. Open device manager by click start and type DEVMGMT.MSC and press ENTER.

2. Right click on standard VGA and select UPDATE DRIVER.

3. Select 2nd option (see picture below)

3. Click on BROWSE and point to the C:\SWsetup\SP35686 and click NEXT. Continue until installation finish and reboot. (other model point to the AMD64 folder)

4. If failed, repeat step 1 to step 3, but in step 3 select 2nd option.

5. Select HAVE DISK and Click browse.

5. Point to the C:\SWsetup\SP35686, then select the folder base on your system (32 or 64 bit). Refer picture below. (other model open AMD64 folder).

6. Then find and select Nvqh.inf and Click OK. Click NEXT and continue installation until finish. Reboot.

If failed you can try install using MOD INF.

2. NVIDIA Geforce GO 6150 windows 8 Driver MOD INF Drivers

1. Donwnload the latest NVIDIA drivers:
For win 8 32-bit : http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/49892
For Win 8 64-bit: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/56378

1. Download and install, if the installation success reboot your computer. If not proceed with next step. (installation is a must to create a folder c;\nvidia which later will be use for this tutorial).

2. Look for the hardware ID for you graphic. read tutorial here:

3. -will be update later -

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