National Semiconductor DP83815/816 10/100 Windows 7 Driver

Model: National Semiconductor DP83815/816 10/100 MacPhyter NDIS 5.0 Miniport Driver
Comaptibility: Windows XP, Windows 7

Download link:  Download.

1. For windows XP Download and install directly this driver Download.
2. For windows 7, download and install, it will resulting in error but ignore it. The purpose is to extract the driver file into c:\swsetup\ sp25618.
3. Now, open device manager by click start and type DEVMGMT.MSC and press enter.

4. Look for other device and look for Ethernet Controller.

5. Right click on it and select UPDATE DRIVER.

6. Select "Browse my computer for driver software".

7. Click Browse and point to c:\swsetup\ sp25618.

8. Press ok and continue with on screen installation.

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